A few simple upgrades can take your utility terrain vehicle to the next level! Fortunately for you, we’ve created the following list with some accessories you can add to your UTV. Keep reading to learn more, and reach out to Nielsen Enterprises in Lake Villa, Illinois if you have any questions or you want to buy a new side-by-side. We also proudly serve Chicago, Illinois and Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

Extra Storage

One easy upgrade that will benefit you and your UTV is additional storage. When you have extra storage space, you won’t have to worry about leaving any of your snacks, water, radios, clothes, or other items at home. This upgrade is simple but can go a long way in making your side-by-side adventures more comfortable.

Trailer & Hitch

If you use your UTV for work projects, you’ll probably benefit from a trailer and hitch! This upgrade will help you increase your rig’s carrying capacity so you can haul all of your heavy loads to your job sites. Whether you’ve got a professional job or you need to maintain your own property, a trailer and hitch is an accessory that will make your life that much easier.


A little music can make your next side-by-side trip more exciting and fun — especially if you bring a friend along! Whether you need a little boost to get through your chores or you’re taking a friend out for an adrenaline-filled afternoon, speakers are a great UTV upgrade. Enjoy some sweet tunes as you blaze through dirt trails under the summer sun.


When you’re riding in your vehicle, you may get caught up in the moment. While this is a great way to experience the outdoors, you may miss out on capturing some memories! Why not document your excursions using a small UTV upgrade? Adding a durable, off-road camera to your UTV will ensure that you catch all of the action on your rides! You can even opt for multiple cameras. This simple upgrade can help you capture all of your favorite memories and moments.

Cargo Net

One more side-by-side upgrade you may want to invest in is a cargo net. If you’re worried about your loads falling out of your rig, a cargo net is a good accessory to have. This device is designed to keep all of your cargo from falling out so you won’t have to worry about losing your goods on the road.

Are you ready to transform your upcoming UTV adventures? It’s time for some upgrades! Call Nielsen Enterprises with any questions and our staff will be happy to help you out. We are located in  Lake Villa, Illinois and serve Chicago, Illinois and Milwaukee, Wisconsin too. We look forward to helping you make all of your powersports excursions memorable and fun!