Your motorcycle is more than a vehicle for going from A to B. It’s your freedom, and one of the best ways to get an adrenaline rush on a day-to-day basis. Your bike provides you with thrills, fun, and utility all at once, not to mention giving your wallet a break by spending less on gas than you might in a car. But you might be asking yourself if there's a way to make your rides even better—more comfortable, more safe, more convenient?

You’re in luck! We here at Nielsen Enterprises have put together a short list of some riding accessories that might make riding your motorcycle an even better experience. If you have questions, you’re looking to buy one of these accessories, or you’re in the market for your next bike, stop on by our location in Lake Villa, Illinois!

Visibility Gear

There’s a long list of things you need in order to ride, but right up at the top is being able to see and be seen. Other motorists are your biggest hazard, by far, whether they’re distracted by food or phones or they’re under the influence. Standing out to them is your first defense against poor driving, so invest in some visibility gear. Anything that is brightly colored or highly reflective is a good addition to your riding outfit, ensuring you don’t blend in to the background.

Face Protection

Your face, and especially your eyes, need protection during your ride. You should always wear a helmet to protect your entire head, and if you ride frequently it’s important to find one that fits well and is comfortable to wear. These aren’t the cheapest accessory, but the investment is more than worth the money if it keeps your head in one piece. We recommend a photosensitive visor that will help block out the sun but will lighten up at night for extra comfort and convenience.

Eye protection in general will keep the wind from stinging your eyes and will protect them from bugs or sand and other debris. If you do have a visor on your helmet, you’re set. If not, you’ll want to pack a pair of sunglasses or goggles with you or in your bike. And of course, neck protection is important to keep that sensitive skin from getting scraped raw by the wind or debris. A scarf of balaclava should suffice, in that regard.

Hearing Protection

As good as your average helmet is, they don’t protect your hearing much. Once you hit 40 miles per hour on your motorcycle, you’re risking irreversible damage to your ears thanks to the combination of road noise, your engine, and the rushing wind. Unfortunately, you’re most likely hitting 40 miles per hour fairly regularly, so it’s absolutely crucial that you purchase some sort of hearing protection and use it every time you ride. Disposable earplugs, reusable wax balls, or custom-made earplugs are a few handy ways to keep your hearing intact.

Rain Gear

If your motorcycle is your primary or only means of transportation, you’re pretty much guaranteed to end up riding in the rain at some point. And even when the forecast looks bright and sunny, sudden downpours still happen. If it’s still safe to ride, pushing through the annoyance to avoid being late is probably your best option. So we recommend waterproof outerwear to keep your clothes and yourself as dry as possible. There are some great lightweight outerwear options that are pretty easy to store in your bike—and remember, bright colors are ideal, especially in bad weather with low light.


Depending on where you live and where you’re traveling, you might want to consider a few security measures for your bike. Locks are an obvious way to prevent or delay any aspiring bike thieves from making off with your motorcycle. Alarms are great for drawing unwanted attention to anyone trying to handle your bike without permission. A GPS tracking system will be incredibly useful if your bike does end up getting stolen, as well, allowing you to provide the location information to police so they can track your bike down. 

We hope you found some of these tips useful! If you want to know more or you’re looking for bikes and bike accessories, stop by Nielsen Enterprises! We proudly serve Chicago, Illinois, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin—let us serve you today!