Riding a PWC is an exhilarating experience and sharing that adventure with a friend or family member adds a new level of excitement and enjoyment. However, riding with a passenger requires extra attention to safety, communication, and comfort. In this blog post, we have provided some tips for riding a PWC with a passenger, so you can both enjoy your time on the water.

Choose the Right PWC

The type of PWC you choose will have a big impact on your experience. Make sure you choose a watercraft with enough power to handle the added weight of a second person. It’s also important to consider the size of the PWC and whether there’s enough seating space for you and your passenger to ride comfortably. Don’t forget to pay attention to the weight limit of your PWC, as exceeding this limit can affect the handling and stability of the watercraft.

Educate Your Passenger

Before you take your buddy out on the water, take the time to educate them on PWC safety. Make sure they understand how to hold on, where to sit, and what to do in the event of an emergency. Explain the importance of wearing a life jacket and go over what to do if you fall off the PWC. The more your passenger understands about PWC safety, the more relaxed and enjoyable the ride will be for both of you.

Start Slowly

If the person who will be riding with you is new to PWC, it’s a good idea to start slowly. Give them time to get used to the feeling of the watercraft on the water, and practice riding together in calm, flat waters before attempting anything more adventurous. Make sure you keep your speed under control and avoid sudden movements or sharp turns.

Stay Alert

Riding with someone requires much more attention than riding solo. Be aware of your passenger’s movements and make sure they feel secure and comfortable throughout the ride. Watch the water carefully and avoid areas with other boaters or choppy waters that can make it difficult to keep control of the PWC.

Plan Ahead

Before you head out on the water, it’s important to plan ahead and prepare for any unexpected situations that may arise. Make sure you have all the necessary safety equipment on board, including life jackets, flares, and a first-aid kit. Check the weather forecast and avoid days with high winds or storms. Make sure to decide what you’ll do in case of an emergency, so you can act quickly.

We hope that these tips have been helpful. If you’re still looking to buy a PWC, visit Nielsen Enterprises in Lake Villa, IL, to browse our selection. We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Chicago, IL, and Milwaukee, WI.