Buying an ATV can open the door to an exciting world of thrills and fun, but you need to learn more than just how to ride your quad. A big part of owning an ATV is knowing how to take care of it properly. It’s not always easy to know whether you can take care of a repair at home or if you need to bring it to the service department.

At Nielsen Enterprises, we want to make that decision easier. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some common four-wheeler maintenance tasks. We break down whether or not you can handle them on your own at home, or if you should take your vehicle into the shop. Keep reading to learn more and contact us with any questions.

General Tips

Everyone’s skill level is different. What you can do yourself and what you need a mechanic to do depends on your personal experience. If you have a significant amount of maintenance experience, you’ll be able to do a lot yourself. On the other hand, if you aren’t super confident in your skills, you’ll probably be asking professionals for help most of the time.

The tools you have will also impact what you can and can’t do at home. If you don’t have the proper kit, you’ll need to take your quad to the mechanic, regardless of your skill.

You should always consult your owner’s manual before performing any kind of work on your ATV. You’ll find specific tips on how to best care for your four-wheeler. You may even find maintenance logs and product recommendations. If you don’t have your manual, check the manufacturer’s website.

At Home: Inspections

Regular inspections of your quad can and should take place at home. It’s important to identify a problem before it gets out of control and turns into a costly repair. Check the frame and tires. Pay close attention to how the machine performs and note any strange sounds. These may indicate problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible.

At the Shop: Diagnostics

ATVs are designed to make pinpointing maintenance problems much easier. At the service shop, we use special diagnostics software and equipment to more accurately identify the specific parts that are giving you trouble. Unless you have this software, it’s probably necessary to bring your four-wheeler to the professionals when you think something is wrong but you can’t figure out what.

At Home: Engine Fluids

If you don’t have a problem getting your hands dirty, you can replace some of the engine fluids by yourself. This may include the oil and oil filter, as well as the coolant. When you’re changing the oil, have a bucket or pan to catch the old oil as you drain it. Don’t forget to wear clothes you don’t mind getting greasy.

At the Shop: The Engine

A lot of ATV engine repairs will require a trip to the mechanic. Even if you have some mechanical skills, you don’t want to make the problem worse. It’s a good idea to let the professionals handle any engine problems with your quad.

Over time, you’ll figure out what you’re comfortable with repairing and what you want the professionals to fix. We hope this guide is a good starting point for you! Remember that your skills and experience will heavily impact what you can and can’t fix. At Nielsen Enterprises in Lake Villa, IL, our service department is here to help with all those problems you can’t fix alone. We proudly serve all those in Chicago, IL, and Milwaukee, WI.