ATV trail riding is a great adventure. You head out into nature and enjoy beautiful views, as well as adrenaline rushes. It's no wonder ATV trail riding is such a popular activity! We've gathered up the following tips for making the most of your ride. If you want more riding advice or want to explore ATVs for sale, head over to Nielsen Enterprises. Our dealership is based in Lake Villa, Illinois. We also serve those in Chicago, Illinois, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1. Check the Weather

Before you head out on a ride, look up the weather forecast. You don't want to get caught in a storm, heavy rains, or other extreme weather! Bad weather can cause more than an uncomfortable ride. It can even cause safety issues. Always look up the forecast and use your best judgment on whether it's still safe to hit the trail.

2. Bring a Tool Kit

A tool kit will allow you to address minor issues right away so they don't need to end your ride. Pack a wrench that fits your ATV's bolt size, flashlight, flat tire path kit, and other essential tools.

3. Consider a Riding Buddy

We recommend always hitting the trail with a riding buddy. If something were to happen to you or your ATV, they will be able to help. This is especially beneficial if you are unable to call for help for some reason, such as crashing and losing consciousness. Plus, it's fun to enjoy a day of riding with a friend!

4. Stay on the Trail

The ATV trail exists for a reason! It designates the area that you can expect to safely cruise around on your ATV. If you venture off the trail, it can cause a few issues.

First, you can run into unexpected obstacles and risky situations. There may be a steep cliff that you don't notice until it's too late, sinking sand that traps your wheels, and so on. You can end up getting hurt or damaging your ATV.

Second, you can cause damage to the trail. If you leave the path, you could end up plowing over plants and damaging the surrounding ecosystem. Staying on the trail helps preserve the beautiful natural areas for everyone to enjoy.

5. Take Care of the Trail

As you ride around, practice leave-no-trace ethics. Stay cognizant of any trash you accumulate through your ride, such as a wrapper from a protein bar. Make sure any garbage gets disposed of and not accidentally left on the ground.

You'll also want to keep an eye out for ways you can tend to the trail. If you spot trash discarded by another person, clean it up. Discarded debris is not only unpleasant looking, it can be harmful to wildlife in the area. If you come across an obstacle that is affecting the trail, see if you can assist. For example, if a log is blocking the path, use your ATV's winch or tow strap to pull it out of the way. This will help keep other riders from simply swinging wide around the obstacle and possibly damaging the surrounding areas.

6. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

One challenge of riding in nature is that you don't have access to sign posts or manmade landmarks to help you navigate. Make sure you stay aware of where you are so that you don't get lost. It's wise to bring along a map and a compass, just in case your GPS loses its signal.

We hope you found this guide useful. If you have questions or want to shop ATVs for sale, visit Nielsen Enterprises in Lake Villa, Illinois. Our friendly staff is happy to offer advice and help you find the best model for your needs, so stop by and visit us today. We proudly serve those in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois.