One of the most popular water-based pastimes since the 1980s has been riding a personal watercraft (PWC). These small, fast marine crafts are great for recreational riding as well as racing and they’re even helpful for many people who work on the water, like rescue crews and lifeguards.

But if you’ve never bought a PWC before, how do you know which one’s right for you? Nielsen Enterprises is your local PWC dealer in Lake Villa, IL. We’ve broken down the various types of personal watercraft available to help you decide which one is the best option for your needs.

Sports PWC

If you crave power and speed, you’ll want to look into sports PWC. You don’t have to be a pro to ride a sports model, although they are very popular among experienced riders. Even those with little experience will love the thrills and chills they get while zipping across the surface of the water on one of these machines.

Touring PWC

If you want to ride for a long time in comfort, you may wish to look into a touring PWC instead. These models are made for hours of riding at a time, which is why they have ergonomic designs made to prevent fatigue. Touring personal watercraft models are also made to be durable and spacious, with roomy storage compartments for all your gear and improved fuel efficiency to save you money on gasoline.

Watercraft for Beginners

If you’re new to riding a personal watercraft, you may wish to invest in a model that can provide you with aspects of both of the above styles. This will help you determine what features are ultimately important to you as you gain experience and skill. Many manufacturers have lines that are specifically geared toward the novice rider, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding something that works for you.

Ready to check out some of these watercraft? Stop by Nielsen Enterprises in Lake Villa, IL, to see our full selection of personal watercraft for sale. We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Chicago, IL, and Milwaukee, WI.