Your UTV is operating with untapped potential. Unharness it with the right accessories! Certain upgrades will give you the most bang for your buck, but it can be hard knowing which ones to buy. There are a seemingly unlimited number of accessories on the market, after all!

We've created the following list of must-have UTV accessories to get you started. If you want more advice or want to explore UTVs for sale, chat with the friendly staff at Nielsen Enterprises in Lake Villa, Illinois.

A Winch

Winches are a useful tool for dragging heavy items to more convenient areas. Maybe your buddy gets stuck in the mud, so you use your UTV's winch to pull him out. Maybe you are hunting and want to drag your game to a better spot to dress it. These are a few of the many ways winches can be used. They come in either synthetic or wire options and need to match the power of your UTV to avoid draining the battery.

An Enclosed Cab

Most UTVs will come with an open seating design. This is great for feeling the wind in your face, but you get plenty of nuisances in your face as well. You can be hit with bugs, kicked-up debris, dust, rain, low-hanging branches, and so on. Adding a windshield and an enclosed cab instantly boosts the comfort of your ride. Most options are easy to install and can take only a few minutes to secure.

LED Lights

Visibility is an important aspect of safe riding. You need to see the trail and any upcoming obstacles. You also need to be seen by any others in the area. LED lights offer the most bright lighting and also last an impressively long period of time, making them a cost-effective option in the long-run. There are many different ways to add LED lighting to a UTV, such as light bars. Just be sure to stay mindful of your UTV's power capabilities so you don't overload your battery.


It's all too easy to get lost on a trail. After all, you don't have road signs or man-made buildings everywhere to use as landmarks. There are trees and rocks, which look pretty much like every other tree and rock. A GPS helps you always know where you are and helps you get to where you are going.

Installing a GPS onto your UTV is a better approach than using your phone's map system. Navigational apps drain your phone's battery and you could always ride in and out of coverage. A GPS offers reliable, consistent guidance.

An Emergency Kit

UTV riding involves using a high powered vehicle in unpredictable nature. Situations can happen—and if they do, you'll want to be prepared. Pack along a miniature toolkit so you can address minor maintenance issues. You'll also want a first aid kit so that you can handle minor medical emergencies as well.

A Skid Plate

More adventurous riders will want to invest in a skid plate. This handy addition protects the valuable components of your UTV on tough trails. You'll be able to more easily plow over obstacles without incurring serious (and costly) damage.

We hope you found this guide useful. For more suggestions or to shop UTVs for sale, head over to Nielsen Enterprises. Our expert staff is happy to answer questions, give advice, and help you with whatever you need! We proudly serve those in Chicago, Illinois, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.